Valley of the Knights

Succiso, Emilia Romagna

ride description

Park at Valle dei Cavalieri and head east out of Succiso. The first stretch travels down a narrow back country road with views of some of the Park's most famous mountains: Mt. Cusna, Mt. Prado, Mt. Cavalbianco, Mt. La Nuda, and Alpe di Succiso. You will also see the beautiful grasslands of the Enza and Secchia valleys. Follow the signs for Pratizzano and Ramiseto until eventually reaching the refuge of Pratizzano (Rifugio Pratizzano).

After leaving the refuge you will continue through the small villages of Proviglio, Storlo, Fornolo and Pieve San Vincenzo. Shortly after leaving Pieve San Vincenzo you will reach road SP15. After taking a left onto SP15 you will ascend along the right bank of Val d'Enza or also known as the "Valley of the Knights." This road will lead you to the beautiful stone village of Cecciola. Then at about 1 km (0.6 mi) outside the town, keep left for Succiso at the first Y junction and after 3.7 km (2.2 mi), you will return to your starting location.


27 kilometers / 16.7 miles

Difference in Altitude

700 meters / 2,296 feet

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© 2025 - Ente Parco Nazionale Appennino Tosco-Emiliano
Via Comunale, 23 54013 Sassalbo di Fivizzano (MS) Tel. 0585-947200 - Contatti
C.F./P.IVA 02018520359
Codice univoco per la fatturazione elettronica: UF6SX1 PagoPA
The Park is a mosaic of villages

The Tuscan-Emilian Apennine National Park is made of a variety of distinct and different pieces that come together to create one unforgettable vacation.
While the diversity of the villages, attractions, forests, and mountains may surprise you, their close proximity allows visitors to see a little bit of everything in a short amount of time.
The more you see, the more you can appreciate the entire region. Explore the mosaic of places, people and experiences which make up the Park!
