Loc. Strada Costa di Bosco, 11
43021 Corniglio (PR) | Find on the map
Municipality: Corniglio
Mobile: 339/7037628 - 328/4199685
Email: allanticadogana.com@gmail.com
Web site: www.allanticadogana.com
43021 Corniglio (PR) | Find on the map
Municipality: Corniglio
Mobile: 339/7037628 - 328/4199685
Email: allanticadogana.com@gmail.com
Web site: www.allanticadogana.com
Accommodation Page: www.parks.it/agr/antica.dogana
Photos and description by the structure, with map, itinerary and online booking!
Photos and description by the structure, with map, itinerary and online booking!